Shady Rescue Finally Held Accountable
Last week removed Rising Phoenix Mastiff Rescue in Yakima from its website for violating its rules for service.
Seattle DogSpot worked for 10 months to delete this fake rescue group from North America’s largest non-profit pet adoption website.

This is the page you will get if you try to find Rising Phoenix Mastiff Rescue on the Adopt-a-Pet website. Image from
I first learned about the shady practices of Rising Phoenix Mastiff Rescue and its founder Trisha Porter last December after reading dozens of complaints from people who adopted or attempted to adopt dogs from the rescue. (Dozens Say Dogs They Adopted from Rising Phoenix Mastiff Rescue Were Sick, Emaciated, 12/13/2016.)
The people who filed the complaints said the dogs adopted from RPMR had one or more of the following health problems: parasites, parvovirus, mange, infected wounds, worms, ear infections, diarrhea, torn ligaments, broken teeth, ear and eye infections, ear mites, infected paws, elbow and hip dysplasia, hernias, open sores and bloody stool.
Some also noted the dogs were emaciated or starved. Others said the dogs they adopted had severe behavior or aggression problems that RPMR never revealed to them.
Adoption Websites Can Help Dishonest Dog Rescues
During my research on RPMR I noticed that it only used to list its dogs available for adoption. I then looked at the rules rescues using the site must follow and found that RPMR violated these two rules:
- “We don’t require 501(c)(3) non-profit status of organizations that list pets with us. However, you must be a legitimate animal welfare organization and not engaging in activities counterproductive to the cause of animal rescue such as breeding pets, encouraging the public to breed pets, or selling pets for profit. You must be in possession of any local or state-required permits necessary for your operations. You must not have any pending or confirmed animal control or criminal citations or violations.”
- Rescues must be honest in your pet postings about breeds, ages, and all other information. When dealing with adopters, you must disclose any known health or behavior issues.
Adopt-a-Pet also requires shelters and rescues to operate “with all applicable local, state and federal rules and laws.” Since the Washington Legislature exempted private rescues and shelters from any rules/standards, violations are to prove.

This puppy from Rising Phoenix Mastiff Rescue was severely underweight and sick when she was adopted. Photo credit withheld.
Local and state officials are often either unable or unwilling to hold them accountable. That’s because our state’s regulations for private shelters and rescues are weak or nonexistent.
Report Shady Rescues!
That’s why people who adopt a sick or temperamental dog from a shady rescue should report it to whatever sites it uses to list its dogs. Doing this won’t shut down these rescues, but it will make it more difficult for them to operate.
But you can’t expect a pet adoption website like Adopt-a-Pet or Petfinder to kick a dishonest rescues off their sites just because your report them. You must also provide specific proof like vet reports, vet receipts, and screenshots of conversations that the rescue violated the websites’ rules.
You should also follow up with the pet adoption website to ensure that it will investigate the rescue you reported. I had to do this multiple times with Adopt-a-Pet before it decided to remove RMPR.
While this process can be frustrating, reporting fake rescues listed on pet adoption websites is another important tool you can use to hold them accountable for mistreating dogs and misleading adopters.
Being one of Trisha’s victims, I am absolutely thrilled to see this. I’m all for whatever it takes to make this scam artists business harder if we can’t actually get her shut down.
I’m sorry. I think we’re getting the word out.
I’ve been battling these people since 2010
She stole my dog, Gypsy Rose Lee. (she was 6 months old)
I created SO much noise and commotion that she finally posted a picture of her in 2012 on her Face Book page, to show me the dog was still alive.
I’ve never again seen or heard of Gypsy, she’s probably dead by now, and my heart still breaks and I still cry…. because I gave up after 5 years and thousands of dollars.
Megan, I am curious to know the location that you went to see the dog you adopted?
THANK YOU!! We “rescued” a puppy from them 6 years ago and she came to us at 6 weeks old with Parvo – she died after 6 days in our care. We found her through Petfinder and we’ve been actively trying to get her “rescue” shut down without success. She’s despicable. We really appreciate the effort other people have put forth in seeing justice served.
I’m so sorry. RPMR is one of the worst rescues I’ve written about.
This makes me very happy. ????
I have adopted two mastiffs from this rescue. Both were great dogs. They were were both healthy and great additions to our family
I don’t doubt that. I’m sure they’ve made successful adoptions, but no responsible rescue would have dozens of complaints from people who adopted extremely sick dogs from them. The Yakima County Police have also responded to several complaints about RPMR.
Do you know where they are located at
They’re in Yakima.
I have adopted 3 dogs from this rescue. While not perfect by any means all are good dogs and had no major health problems. Nothing but positive experiences for us. I would adopt again from this rescue.
Awesome work Seattle Dog Spot! You are truly a voice for the voiceless.
Thank you!
Great work, thanks for sticking with it
So grateful to U for all the hard work,; interviewing, researching, documenting and reporting U have done for all of us victims – human & dog alike. I have spent over $6000 in surgeries, supliments, X-rays and that doesn’t include hydrotherapy. Lola is only 18 months old. I bought from Stacey, Trish’s friend – most think part of the whole Phenix group. Thank U, Thank U, Thank U.
She most likely learned from Trisha how much money she could make by selling sick dogs. She also breeds puppies to sell.
I’m sorry – I’ve seen so many stories like this. Have you contacted a Mastiff Rescue to see if they could take her?
I have a friend that lives next to these scumbags and have reported them at least 100 times to AC but nothing has been done!!! I have seen the dogs, kept on a short chain in all weather with NO shelter, water or food…..disgusting. What do you need us to do to help shut them down??
Can we talk over email?
Yes, emailing you now
Please let’s do what we can! I was told that my dog was going to be given to someone with hundreds of acres of land out of state. She told me that the woman had trained dogs and lived on a farm. She gave me a sob story that the woman she was giving the dog to lost her dog and husband within the same month. After she took the dog I found it strange she needed the paperwork and that we met at a church. I researched who she was and found all of the articles written about her “rescue”. I tried to contact her and ask for the dog back (she’d only had her 24 hours). She refused and said I would owe her for care, training,gas etc. After I told her I would pay it, she still refused. I called the police and filed a report and the county animal control. They said that this has happened several times and that she has even hid dogs from them when they have gone to investigate dogs being stolen. I felt so horrible because they also informed me that there is nothing they can do if I gave her the dog, even though she misrepresented herself and the rescue. When I tried warning people about her she said she would sue me for slander. I just wanted my dog back. I wanted to be sure she went to a good home.
I’m so sorry. If you signed the dog over to her there probably isn’t anything you can do. Also, you can’t be charged with slander unless you are deliberately, knowingly lie about what happened. Threatening to sue anyone that tries to expose a bad rescue is a common tactic shady rescues use to scare people who want to expose them into silence. Several bad rescues have threatened to sue me and none of them ever did.
Sad thing is she didn’t have me sign anything. No surrender or anything. She asked for the paperwork I got from the humane society. I gave her that. I wish I had more time to give the dog, because I would’ve kept her. Either way I hope she is in a good home and I hope that Tisha cannot continue to do this to people. I will help in anyway that I can to shut her down.
Some of her dogs are lucky enough to be perfectly fine and get adopted into good homes, so the one you have her could be ok.
Do you have a picture of her, I had given her a dog that i am trying to locate.
If I find one I’ll email it to you.
I also gave her a dog that I am trying to locate. She is a Belgian Malinois. Female. She is very sweet, but I don’t know what she would be like around another do because we didn’t have any others.
I took 2 dogs to Trisha after answering a plea to ‘rescue’ them from a kill shelter in Oregon. After a 3 hour drive (on my expense) I expressed interest in adopting the GSD I took to her. She tried to charge me $500 to come 24 hours after bringing him to her, claiming she would have him trained and given shots for the expense. When I probed deeper she flew off the handle at me saying I was unfit to adopt. Thats when the odd circumstances of the drop off of the dogs made more sense: public parking lot, no homes or kennels to be seen and when I begged after such a long drive to use a bathroom Trisha led me to her trailer that had many dogs roaming and several disgusting kennels within site. I will regret leaving those 2 dogs in her care for the rest of my life.
I’m sorry. You did what you thought was the right thing. Some of her dogs are lucky and are adopted before they have any medical problems, so yours may be ok.
Thank you so much for this update People need to be aware of her practices. When I rescued Zena just under a year ago she lied to me about her. I was told she would be good on leash and off leash. Good with all dogs, small and large animals. Good with children. I was told she was healthy and had no health issues. This in fact was not the dog I received. Zena had huge fear aggression. Was not trained on leash and could not be trusted off leash. The scratch as it was discribed to me needed to be surgically repaired. You could fit your thumb into where it was located on her hip. The vet felt it was at least 2 weeks old do to the large amount of dead tissue inside of the wound. When I first got Zena I was in shock. I wanted to return her for the simple fact of not being trained in fear aggression. I was told I would be charged for returning her and that the rescue would not be able to take her for 10 days do to being on the road. It was approx 72 hours after receiving Zena that her wound opened up wide and was bleeding. I am assuming the snow got her coat wet enough during a training walk and that what ever was on the wound holding it closed finally desolve. Long story short. Do your research. Zena is a survivor from this so called “rescue”! She is healthy now. And has multiple advocates on her side. She has a family dedicated to making her life a good life. They love her to the moon and back. Her new vet goes to their home so she has less stress. Her dad is even working with an amazing man who has knowledge of her breed and of aggression issues. When I last visited her she put her paw on my lap. I nearly cried. I was unable to keep her do to her aggression towards my older dog. But I did not give up on her. I made sure she got a great home. She is an amazing dog. She just needed a new start. I am very fortunate to be able to visit her and share treats. It makes my heart complete. I was threatened by this rescue . The person who picked Zena up for me because she was getting a dog for their mom as well, has washed her hands of the situation. Did not want to assist me on anything regarding this rescue and it’s bad practice. It’s people like this that make me want to hang out with my dogs more and more. People suck. (Not all people). Final note. This is not the only shady rescue. Do your homework. Learn from my mistake.
Thank you for sharing your story and finding a great home for Zena.
I purchased/adopted my Mastiff from this rescue and what a frigging nightmare it was. I love my big boy and wouldn’t change my decision to save him from them, but they lied about everything. I couldn’t get his shot records from their vet, because there weren’t any. He was way older then they let on, he wasn’t temperament tested, he was under weight, he had horrible yeast infections in his ears, he had mites, and he was in poor general health. We met at a church parking lot because the coordinator said she was heading to CA to rescue more dogs and this would be convenient for her. It was all weird, and like I said she was not very truthful but I wouldn’t change the outcome of having my Big Boy. This was in 2013 and it’s been a very expensive ordeal with massive vet bills, special diets, and training but I am happy he is ours. Next Mastiff I get will be coming from a real rescue who knows their dogs the best they can.
Thanks for sharing your story and not giving up on the sick dog they gave you. I’ve seen dozens of stories like yours unfortunately. If you need recommendations on a good mastiff rescue please let me know.
If you go to Eastern Oregon Pet Lovers Classified on Facebook you can see a picture of her and a description.
I’m hoping that you can help our community shut down a puppy mill. We have reached out to AC many times. We have also tried to get the Sheriff involved. Since we were getting nowhere we tried a different approach by contacting Adult Protective Services because the owner/animal hoarder of the puppy mill was thought to be an elderly woman living in a van with no heat, electricity or running water. It turns out that she’s only 53 and so not the 60yrs. of age required by APS to get involved. This woman, Beth Evans, was prosecuted by Skagit County 3 yrs. ago. Pease Google Beth Evans/ Skagit County to see all the info regarding this. All her animals we taken away from her and rehabilitated. She appealed not to long ago to the county to get her animals back and even though the time for to appeal had run out and the county had spent almost $12000. to care for her animals, the judge gave them back to her! She has relocated to Grapeview in Mason County where she has added goats, pigs, rabbits and chickens to her hoard. The dogs she sells are fed live rabbits. Neighbors have seen the loose packs of dogs chasing a rabbit. Her dogs are chained outside with no shelter. They bark and cry all day long. Some of them are in small crates outside that she has stacked on top of each other with no protection against the elements other than the shelter from the plastic crates they are in. She threatens to shoot anyone that has attempted to talk to her. What can we do as a community to stop her? Do you have any ideas? we would appreciate any advice that you could give us in order to stop this monster.
I don’t know the conditions cause I’ve never been to her property however I can assure you that these dogs are being fed a very good quality food that she purchases at The pet store I work at.
She must only give it to her own dogs because many of the dogs she adopted out were emaciated.
We had to put one of her pups down with Parvo and have since been in contact with 4 others who bought sick pups from her. She is running a Puppy Mill and it is so inhumane what she’s doing to these babies and the devastation of bringing sick pups into our homes and the loss of aged pets along with these sick babies. She provides shot records that are forged. We are gathering info and taking names.
Here is the contact information for Yakima Animal Control. Yakima Humane Society also has a contract with the City of Yakima. Click on this link for more information.
Thanks for the info. I believe Rising Phoenix is in Yakima County Animal Control’s jurisdiction.
What happened to innocent until proven guilty!? Thanks for caring however my first hand witness of B. Evans regarding animal neglect and abuse did not support what I’ve been reading from people who may be seeking someone to persecute so they feel good about themselves. But I’ve been a poor judge of character occasionally so maybe I’m being duped. It was fairly brief encounters and it takes a lot of time to know the truth sometimes. I hope we are all wrong. I’m a simple man who builds things. I’ve built things at animal centers, horse boarding facilities, kennels, etc. There often seems to be some unnecessary drama and web of intrigue going on. I just pray that what I read about B Evans is wrong and the people who write these things get something more constructive to do. It seems forged papers could be proved. So prove it. Skagit County apparently couldn’t. Innocent until proven guilty. From my limited perspective B. Evans seemed to be in the trenches fighting the hard and dirty battle to rescue and care for as many animals as possible. Not forming a gossip circle and pointing fingers. I’m calling those who point fingers to task. Careful defaming someone unless you are willing to prove it. Again I hope everyone is wrong. For the animals and peoples sake. Thank you
Who is B Evans?