Furever Homes Rescue Violated Animal Welfare Act
Last December an Olympia dog rescue group violated the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA) by bringing puppies from Mexico into the US that were less than than 6-months-old.

Here are the puppies in Mexico. The time stamp shows they were born in mid-November. Photo credit withheld.
Furever Homes dog rescue brought 9 one-month-old puppies, their mother, and several other dogs to Washington on December 18.
The AWA is clear on the standards groups importing puppies must meet before they can bring them into the US from another county. Chapter 54, section 2148 (b)(1) states: “no person shall import a dog into the United States for purposes of resale unless, as determined by the Secretary, the dog – (A) is in good health; (B) has received all necessary vaccinations; and (C) is at least 6 months of age, if imported for resale.
As I said, these puppies were one month old when they arrived in Washington which violates the AWA’s minimum age for puppies.
Center for Disease Control Rules Violated Too
Furthermore, the Center for Disease Control dictates that importers who bring dogs to the United States must make sure that their dogs are adequately vaccinated against rabies before arrival. Dogs must be vaccinated against rabies at least 30 days prior to entry, and
puppies must be at least 4 months old.
I don’t know why the AWA says puppies coming into the US must be at least 6-months-old and the CDC says they have to be at least 4-months-old, but either way, these puppies were too young to bring into the US.

The puppies’ mother had tapeworms when she arrived in Washington. Photo by Kimberly Rew.
I learned about these puppies from Kimberly Rew, the woman who fostered them for Furever Homes. She also said that the group’s director, Sharon Gold, told her that she brought a load of dogs to Washington from Mexico every week.
It’s unclear if the puppies’ mother was properly vaccinated before she was brought to the US. Ms. Rew said she asked for proof of vaccinations but never received them.
But the mother was definitely not healthy. Ms. Rew said that after she brought her home she saw “tapeworms coming out of her anus.”
Rescue Used Unlicensed Transport
Ms. Rew also learned from the USDA that KB Transport, the company Ms. Gold used to bring the dogs to Washington, is not licensed with the agency to transport dogs. According to one source, Ms. Gold often uses KB Transport to bring up her weekly loads of Mexican dogs.
Another requirement of the AWA is all animals brought into the US are “accompanied by a certificate issued by a veterinarian licensed to practice veterinary medicine, certifying that he inspected the animal on a specified date, which shall not be more than ten days before such delivery, and, when so inspected, the animal appeared free of any infectious disease or physical abnormality which would endanger the animal or animals or other animals or endanger public health.”

The CDC says puppies coming into the US must be at least 4 months old.
While it is unclear if all the dogs from Mexico that arrived in Washington on December 18th had the proper health certificates, I assume they did not since Ms. Rew said the mother had tapeworms coming out of her anus.
I emailed Ms. Gold about this transport. She denied that she did anything wrong. She did say she had health certificates all the dogs but refused to send any of them to me.
This news is extremely troubling. These regulations are in place to keep diseases out of the US and protect the animals that are here.
I hope the proper authorities investigate why Sharon Gold brought the puppies and dogs into the US illegally.
In the next few days I’ll write more about Furever Homes and the litter or 9 puppies, 6 of reportedly are now dead.
I think the 6 month rule goes for a puppy coming into the US to be sold/resold.
Clearly this is wrong and these people and the likes of others like them are going to keep doing as they please without putting the animal first, they need to be charged.
OMG 5 puppies dead, this is so damn wrong and this Sharon Gold and KB Transporters needs to be charged with their deaths among other charges. Hopefully the USDA will put an end to this.
Thank you for making us aware of this horrible series of events.
She is selling the dogs. The CDC also requires puppies to be at least 4 months old before they come to the US. I just heard another one died so now 6 of the 9 are dead. This is not reputable rescues operate.
Hi I work closely with sharon and I know that six are not dead. Kimberly is also involved in bringing the dogs up. She has worked very closely with sharon and has fostered those puppies for her. She has lied and held the puppies from her and will not return them… Kimberly is the reason the puppies were even sick she had them science they were 1 month old and by the time they were almost 3 months old they were sick!!! She should be charged for their deaths by sharon sharon should not be getting the blame for this.
This post is about puppies that were illegally transported into the US by Furever Rescue, but I will write about the deaths of the puppies soon.
Is this the same Sharon Gold that was once involved in a huge hoarder and boarding debacle down in CA? She isn’t even suppose to be involved in rescue anymore I had assumed. I’m sure there’s some creditors in California that will like to know that she’s operating a rescue up here now.
if you work closely with her than you are just as guilty!!!! North America does not need any more “rescues” from other countries!! You want to rescue??? Rescue dogs close to home! Geez
Why is anyone bringing Puppies over from any other country when we have dogs here that need homes.
Because WA doesn’t have many puppies and people are always looking for them here. And at $450 per puppy it’s a big money operation.
Aren’t you her daughter?
Exactly right, praying for justice!
Washington also does not have a spay/neuter ordinance. I was involved in rescue and the transport of dogs from California shelters to Washington for several years. Many rescues wanted us to just send the dogs without health certificates, we refused as that is what is required by the State of Washington. There are so many transporters heading into Oregon/Washington and I would suspect many enter without the proper paperwork.
There is always going to be this one person with a personal vendetta that is going to contact everyone they possibly can to make someone look better in them selves look good. vendetta but it’s going to contact everyone they possibly can to make someone look bad and them selves look good That is Kimberly and she found that one person that was willing to write her story without confirming, checking learning who is forever home and what they do . forever home rescue dogs of the streets of Mexico just like so many other rescue organization in Washington . They save dogs out of kill shelters in California , all dogs that are entering Washington state has been heart warm tested and have health certificates. They vet and care for each and everyone of their dogs that otherwise would be dead on the streets or at the shelters . So before you go and write an article about somebody why don’t check the facts instead of slandering someone that does nothing but help the animals no one else wants to help. And by the way why are you not going after all the rescue from Seattle, Lacey, Olympia, long beach, pyuallup and more they takes the same dogs from the same transport? It’s sounds to me like nothingore then drama.
I’ve confirmed the information in this story and stand by what I wrote. Washington does require dogs coming in the into the state to be tested for heart worm and have a health certificate, but that’s irrelevant. US law says puppies under 6 months old cannot be brought into the country. Period. And I’d be more likely to believe the dogs had health certificates and were tested for heart worm if Furever Homes would send them to me or post them somewhere.
I don’t know what other rescues took dogs from KB Transport but if you do please let me know.
Are you serious? Every rescue between Oregon to Canada. I work with a rescue here in Lacey that takes all their dogs every single week from Mexico through KB transport. I know of a rescue in Puyallap that does the same, moms and trot puppies, puppies, and dogs. Another rescue in long beach. Same thing. So I suggest that before you slander someone for doing something good and saving lives do your homework. I did mine. I confirmed that all the dogs have been vetted, that all are getting adopted not sold after they have had their shots, forever homes pays for the spay or neuter, the microchip and everything a puppy need. They also adopt dogs on a trail basis. You base your artical on one person, that yo By agent bothered to check out and see who she is. I did. I u first and freedom of speech but this is simply slander and lies.,
I’m sure they aren’t the only transport that takes dogs from CA to WA. I’m not slandering anyone and I’ve seen the evidence that proves it. I’ll be writing more about what happened to the puppies soon.
Tapeworms is not a sign of being in healthy. It’s an internal parasite. They get by ingesting fleas. Dead or alive.
Please do proper research before positing such ignorance.
I know all of the people involved.
I know what happened. The person who contacted you is basically upset that she didn’t get to keep one of the puppys and claimed to be a vet tech when she wasn’t.
Rescue is about rescuing not creating drama like this post did.
Yes a healthy dog can have tapeworms but it should still be taken to a vet immediately, especially if the dog has puppies that could get infected. That didn’t happen. And tapeworms could cause health problems if left untreated. I agree rescue is about rescuing. 6 of the 9 puppies in this litter are dead. That’s not rescue.
Adopted my arse! There is an “adoption fee” which means these dogs are being sold. I’m getting pretty sick of people who condemn breeders of purebred dogs, ostensibly because “the shelters are full of adoptable animals needing a home” defending so-called rescues that are dragging in feral street dogs & unsocialized meat dogs from other countries. Not only are these dogs disease vectors, they’re stealing homes from American shelter dogs…
Mel Carlin totally agree if money changes hands its called shopping
If any money changed hands, the dogs were SOLD. “Adoption fees” are sales fees.
Right. Here’s what the law states: The term “resale” includes any transfer of ownership or control of an imported dog of less than 6 months of age to another person, for more than de minimis consideration.
What a crock of manure! It should be ILLEGAL to import dogs or puppies for resale by “rescue” or anyone else! Scumbags!
Bob Cleo, Terrible practice, but rescues spay/neuter puppies at 8 weeks old on a regular basis. They justify spaying/neutering babies by saying they are stopping pet overpopulation. However they are stopping puppies from growing/maturing properly.
1. There are live animal commercial transport regulations, K.B Transportation is required if transporting across state lines to have a commercial transport license and all required paperwork for each animal.
2. You can spay/neuter puppies and kittens at 8 weeks or 2lbs, by law.
3. Rescue groups often call their adoption fees “donations” however according to the law, pets are considered property and therefore it is not a donation it is a sale, for profit or not for profit.
4. Transporters are often not prepared for an emergency. Driving up through the Central Valley, Sacramento, Redding etc. during the summer months, it can be extremely hot, temperatures in the 100’s. If your vehicle breaks down on the interstate, it’s likely to be 115-120 degrees on that blacktop, and rear air conditioning is a must. If your vehicle is broke down, how are 30 or 40 dogs going to stay cool? What is the emergency plan, I know when I was arranging transport we had a plan in place and had to use it one time.
Is that because she is no longer allowed to pull dogs from any shelter in California?
Also I don’t believe there’s any shelters in Washington that will work with this person, so what does that say?
I adopted a dog from Furever Homes in December of 2015. Sharon let me take her home with severe ear infections, rotten teeth, and tapeworms. A dental was not done on her when they spayed her. Two days after I brought her home, one of her teeth fell out. Her breath was horrible. I later took her for a dental and it cost $300. The ear infection did not go away despite using up all the medication she gave me. I had to take her to the vet 2 times for the ear infection. The cost of the adoption was $400. I filled out a long application Sharon never looked at. She stated in the application a home check would be done, and was not. The way she kept the dogs was horrible. Large kennels, each overcrowded with dogs. I read an article about Sharon saying she was banned in Oregon for running a shady dog rescue. I adopted a Maltese. When I went to go see her, I felt so sorry for her, I couldn’t leave her there, in that place.
Thank you for sharing your story. I’m sorry you had to go through this. Thank you for taking the dog and giving her a better life.
Could someone please look up the definition of slander before you use it for God’s sakes! Then you run in about having done your home work???
Her FB page says “non-profit” but can’t find the rescue on the IRS charitable list for 501c3 organizations. I hope no one is assuming their donations are tax deductible.
She is registered as a nonprofit, which is not a 501c3. Two different things.
That is correct and no fee paid for any “adopted”dog can be declared as a donation because the person got something of value……thevdog, which is property.
I scrolled their FB page and it looks like they have brought in alot of mothers and puppy’s from Tijuana (TJ) Mexico. There were several up for “adoption” since mid Dec. (Most listed as TJ puppies). Unless that city doesn’t count in the rules above, this has happened alot.
We adopted a puppy from Sharron, she told us he was 8 weeks old. We got him on Monday night, by Tuesday he was having uncontrollable seizures. By Friday (only having him for 4 days) he had to be put down. this was the same day another puppy in the same litter was also put to sleep.
The owner is very unprofessional, very hostile to work with, is a liar and a fraud. We were told that we would get our money back and when we followed up with her she threatened us and told me that if I shared my experience I would be sued. I have kept a copy of the other articles written, BBB claims and complaints on YELP. . this needs to stop
I’m sorry. Sharing your story will help it stop. And it will help lots of people who went through the same thing to tell their stories.
Sounds like distemper!
Rebecca was this just the Monday before last? Was it a sable or black puppy?
The reason for the difference in the regulations from CDC and USDA are because they are looking at different things. The CDC regulations are only concerned with rabies vaccination, which is a human health issue. The first rabies vaccination is not considered to be fully in effect until about 30 days after it is administered. It cannot be given to dogs younger than 3 months, so if it is given at 3 months, the pup cannot be imported until 4 months old. Adult dogs with unknown rabies vaccination status or no vaccination history are also subject to a 30 day hold before import. There are a few areas worldwide that are considered rabies free that have slightly different requirements applied. There are a few other hard to get, very specific exemptions.
USDA is charged with animal health, and they realized that too many of the puppies being imported were of questionable age and background, so mandating the vaccination status and a minimum six month age made it easier to cover for disease and to check on approximate age since there are clearer signs in terms of dentition and development. It also means that those pups being imported for resale (and yes, rescue is selling the dogs, no matter what they call it) are old enough to be sterlized. Dogs with exposure to livestock in certain areas of the world are also supposed to undergo quarantine prior to import to prevent carrying parasites that are non found in our country from gaining a foothold.
Many of these groups also try to get people to lie to customs to get around these requirements. They ask for people to transport the pups back as personal pets, which can be brought in earlier. Anyone doing so and then handing the dog off to rescue is in violation of their customs declaration.
Thanks so much for the clarification.
Further to your response … the transporter (KB?) needs to be a USDA licensed transporter and the woman needs to have a USDA dealer license. There is so much wrong with the operation. We don’t need to keep track of how many puppies died. This would be an illegal operation even if the pups all survived and were in good health.
I’m glad i stumbled across this article. My fiancé and i adopted a puppy from sharon back in November 2015. Unfortunately, we had to put our puppy asleep due to the number of seizures (+12/day) – Sharon claimed the seizures were due to our negligence, however, blood work from the vet indicated no toxins (Sharon never provided us with parvo and distemper tests). When we visited her house she had over 30 dogs there. We brought our lab to see if the puppy we were going to adopt would be a good fit. While there she told is her dogs had flees. Needless to say we had to treat our lab for flees later that week. I’m saddened that we have uncovered a number of unfortunate articles about furever homes after we had gone through the process with her. In the future I’ll do a better job of vetting businesses like this. On a side note, one of the puppies in the same litter as the puppy we got also had to be put to sleep (by Sharon). We had our puppy for 5 days (it was 8 weeks old when we adopted), and ironically a day a papart two puppies from the same litter were put to sleep. Be ware because her adoption contract reads to the effect of “….puppies are as is, And furever homes is not responsible for the health and wellbeing of the puppies…”. Just be ware of what your getting into before you sign the paperwork and commit to adopting one of her puppies.
I’m so sorry. Thanks for sharing your story and alerting other people about what happened to you.
So you people have been saying that this rescue is “bringing dogs up from Mexico illegally” in this case it is not true. I have done my research and called the department of agriculture and found out that the check every single batch of dogs that come up here!!! They know the rules more than all of us do and every time the transport comes in they allow it to pass through the border. Because these people are not breaking any rules that you guys are crying about. So unless you work in the department of agriculture then please don’t go off and say that sharon is “breaking rules” it is childish of one person to go to so many lengths to bash a rescuer because she didn’t get a puppy she wanted! You also need to get your facts straight because how could 6 out of 9 puppies die if 5 are still alive and well? Whoever you are getting your information from is clearly not the best source! You need to not focus on just what one rescuer is doing. If you were really so concerned and care about the “well being of these dogs” then you would not just target one person! You would write about other rescuers in general who have done this and are still doing this. Many of them don’t even go through such lengths that sharon has when she rescues cares for and adopts these dogs.
Whomever this person is you talked to apparently doesn’t know the law.
Here is the section of the Animal Welfare Act where I got my information with the link:
§2148. Importation of live dogs
(a) Definitions
In this section:
(1) Importer
The term “importer” means any person who, for purposes of resale, transports into the United States puppies from a foreign country.
(2) Resale
The term “resale” includes any transfer of ownership or control of an imported dog of less than 6 months of age to another person, for more than de minimis consideration.
(b) Requirements
(1) In general
Except as provided in paragraph (2), no person shall import a dog into the United States for purposes of resale unless, as determined by the Secretary, the dog—
(A) is in good health;
(B) has received all necessary vaccinations; and
(C) is at least 6 months of age, if imported for resale.
And from the USDA Website:
Importation of Pets and Other Animals Into the United States
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has regulations on the importation of dogs and cats into the United States. To protect public health within the United States, importers who bring dogs to the United States must make sure that their dogs are adequately vaccinated against rabies before arrival. In general, dogs must be vaccinated against rabies at least 30 days prior to entry, except for dogs originated or located for 6 months in areas considered to be free of rabies. Puppies must not be vaccinated against rabies before 3 months of age, so the youngest that a puppy can be imported into the United States is 4 months of age.
Are you the same Julian Cruz that was married to Sharon Gold?
Are you even reading any of this personal interactions with Sharron and Furrever Home? That alone is proof of illegal activity. That alone is something that should be investigated further.
And many breeders have written contracts that guarantee healthough of the dog. Don’t be guilted into buying a sick dog when you can get a healthy well socialized family member. $400 is the price you can get a well bred purebred for. $400 is retail rescue. If it really was about saving lives, the fees wouldn’t be so high. Pet flipping is lucrative and they don’t have to pay taxes.
It certainly is lucrative. $450 for a puppy means she’s making several thousand dollars per litter.
I’ve adopted a puppy named Oliver. He was nine weeks when we got him and as happy as a bean the first time we met him. We instantly fell in love with his bright personality. We got all his information and shots before we took him home and all the rest of his information. But before we took him home Sharon took him in to get Neutered. We still have Oliver HEALTHY and happy. Sharon and I have kept in touch an keep her updated with how big he has been getting. I have never had a bad experience with Sharon and the forever dog home rescue nothing but positive results. I thank Sharon for helping find our family dog…
Congratulations. Sounds like your family was one of the lucky ones.
Also $450 for a puppy:
spay or neuter: $150-200
Rabies: $27
DHlPP :$23
Bordatella: $20
Microchip:$ 50
transport: $50-80 depends on size
Vet check $49
food, beds, laundry, collar and leash (every dog leaves with that) $40-60
when you get a puppy from a pet store, craigs list, breeders you pay a lot more and get nothing done, Furever homes does it all. so do the math.
Also they do not bring the dogs into the USA they pick them up in the USA
It’s true that most rescues provide these things for adopters, they charge far less to adopt a puppy. Seattle Humane only charges $275. PAWS only charges $225. So does Auburn Valley Humane Society. And I question if Furever Homes actually provides all these things for dogs they adopt out. Some people who have adopted from them say they never got any proof their puppies were vaccinated.
And while Furever Homes doesn’t bring dogs into the US, the dogs still have to have to valid health certificate signed by a vetto transport them from CA to WA as well as proof the dogs are heart worm negative. Does FH have a valid health certificate for each and every dog they’ve brought into the WA?
No there is no health certificate, dogs are sold “as is” . There are numerous complaints about her “vet”, she says that the dogs have shots, worming and microchip but can’t produce records. There is 30/40 dogs at any given time living in her garage . Upon investigation she was / is unable to provide proof of negative parvo and distemper at her location/home. Something needs to be done
With a responsible breeder, I get a dog that was bred for very particular characteristics, from health and DNA tested parents from a line of dogs with similar. I get what I am paying for. I get that breeder’s support for the life of my dog, and if for some reason I cannot keep her, I return her to her breeder. I would rather get her fixed after 6 months because it is healthiest better for my dog, and I prefer to pick out my dog’s bed etc. anyway. Some breeders do give a starter kit with each puppy. I got a folder with information on the worming and vaccinations the breeder already gave the pups, and info on both. Oh, and a 1 year health guarantee.
justice for the animlas (sic) – If you are claiming this is what Furever is providing with each and every dog they sell, it should be very easy to prove with receipts and health records. By the looks of just this one article, a lot of people have asked for vet records on the Furever adopted dogs and they are non-existent. Not to mention some disappearing microchips. I’m sure however, they are giving away a $3 leash and collar with every $450 purchase.
justice for the animlas says
Also $450 for a puppy:
spay or neuter: $150-200
Rabies: $27
DHlPP :$23
Bordatella: $20
Microchip:$ 50
transport: $50-80 depends on size
Vet check $49
food, beds, laundry, collar and leash (every dog leaves with that) $40-60
when you get a puppy from a pet store, craigs list, breeders you pay a lot more and get nothing done, Furever homes does it all. so do the math.
Also they do not bring the dogs into the USA they pick them up in the USA
All Forever Homes has to do to address the issues raised in the post is provide the records that you mentioned and the health certificated for their dogs. And while technically they don’t bring dogs into the us, they pick the dogs in Mexico they want, someone crosses the border with them, and they’re loaded into a transport that Furever Homes pays. So the rescue is fully responsible for the dogs that they get from Mexico.
Every dog I rescue from CA has tapeworms so I am not sure how the tapeworm photo proves anything. These same dogs also have health certificates…so why the tapeworm photo? going to a vet immediately for tapeworm? They need a dewormer right away which is over the counter, unless they are showing other signs of illness, tapeworm requires an intermediary host. She may have violated the law by transporting underage puppies; however, if a rescue is doing everything right and they work with their veterinarians and are saving lives, compassion DOES NOT KNOW BORDERS! I am sick and tired of reading…save the dogs in your own state…just like the jerks who don’t want to help the Syrian refugees…we are talking about compassion and saving lives which has nothing to do with man made drawn borders. If 6 of the 9 puppies have died, that may not be by the fault of the rescue. I know many great rescues who have rescued pregnant moms or moms just delivered and they lose puppies too. You have no idea how the mom was fed, what she was fed, how she was cared for…or neglected for that matter. You just don’t know. I don’t rescue puppies or pregnant mothers because of that risk, but I don’t slam others who do. I don’t know a thing about this particular rescue but I am sure sick of seeing people who are ignorant about rescuing posting garbage…and posting a photo of dog shit with worms in it. I want to see FACTS…if the puppies died due to the negligence of the rescue then show me the FACTS…without that…I dont give a hell of beans what is written here.
The rescue in my opinion is not doing everything right. The puppies brought coccidia and parvo to their fosters house after they stayed at the director of rescuer’s house. She keeps up to 80 dogs in her house. Dogs are given to adopters 1-2 days after they arrive. No behavior assessment. No home visits. I have screen shots of at least one adopter asking for a health certificate months after they adopted their dog.
Since you say you don’t know anything about this particular rescue look at their reviews on yelp. This is not a reputable rescue.
The foster mom who had the puppies from Mexico (Rebecca’s puppy was part of this littler) has confirmed that 4 puppies within that litter have passed. Only one is still alive today. Regardless of what you believe or what to believe about Sharon, there is a place reserved for her in hell for the trafficking of animals, harassment, torture and heartache she is causing.
The USDA rules say no puppy imported into the USA under the age of three months and not without proof of rabies vaccine for at least 30 days. As puppies cannot have a rabies vaccine until 3 months of age, net effect is puppies cannot be imported LEGALLY into the USA, for sale or otherwise, until four months of age and must have at the time of entry proof of rabies vaccine at least 30 days old, a health certificate less than 10 days old that shows current with all other vaccines and in good health. That is the law. It is rarely fully enforced.
The CDC is trying to keep canine rabies out of the country. The USA had not had a case off anime rabies in over fifty years until one of these rescue groups brought street dogs in from Egypt, lied on their import documents. One of the dogs was infected with rabies. Fifty thousand people die from rabies worldwide each year, many get it from dog bites. It is 100% fatal. Do we really want this in our country after we’ve worked so hard yo become rabies free?
Anyone know “Rebecca” it’s urgent that we find out which puppy was adopted and died. Please please please I can’t express this enough. Please contact the Seattle dog spot writer. Was it a sable (brown, Black and Tan) or a black one. I have information for you. Please contact the writer.
My daughter adopted a dog from Sharon as well. We found the dog on Petfinder and arranged to meet her and the dog. We were told we need to provide references, veterinarian contact info and she needed to do a home check. We were there less than 5 minutes and she says we can adopt the dog. I said don’t you want to verify our references? Her reply was no I can tell you are good people. My daughter was in love with the dog and paid her. Sharon gives her the kennel info for the animal shelter in LA and the adoption info from there with the adopter name and info blacked out and says she already paid for the microchip but the vet was out. She would set it up for us to take the dog to her vet and we could get her microchipped and get her records. Three months and numerous unreturned phone calls later we gave up. Sharon herself saw my comment on a fb story published about her. She went on a rant about how back then she wasn’t required to get health certificates that is why we didn’t get one, she doesn’t know why the dog wasn’t microchipped and I was out for attention. I asked her then to provide me with the certificate and vet info since I am sure if they exist she would still have those records. Even gave her the exact date my daughter adopted the dog. She hasn’t replied. I feel lucky my daughter at least adopted a healthy dog.
I’m glad your dog is ok. Thanks for sharing your story.
Do you people have any idea how mich it costs to vet a shelter or street dog? I rescued a dog from a high kill shelter in calif. He was malnourished, not neutered and when all said and done the vet bill was $800.00 not to mention the cost of getting him to where I live. Rescues cannot reacue more dogs if they do not have an adoption fee to cover the costs of reacuing them in the first place. The shelter’s charge an adoption fee for cripes sake and that is without an vetting at all.
Wake up people!
The issue isn’t how much she charges. She brought puppies into the country illegally.