Furever Homes Rescue Ignores State and Federal Regulations
Earlier this week I wrote that Furever Homes rescue in Olympia violated US Department of Agriculture rules by bringing puppies into the country less than 6-months-old.
In addition, I believe they violated the USDA rule requiring dogs imported in the US to have valid health certificates.
And yesterday, I confirmed that according to the Thurston County Code of Ordinances, Furever Homes founder Sharon Gold is running an unlicensed kennel at her residence and has been well over the limit of the number of dogs residents can have in their homes.

Thurston County Code of Ordinances says residents cannot have more than 3 dogs.
Thurston County residents can have up to 3 dogs. To have more they must get a license for a commercial kennel or a hobby kennel at their home. Here’s how the code describes them:
“Commercial kennel” means a place where adult dogs are bred by a person providing facilities for breeding and the offspring are sold, where such dogs are received for care, training and boarding for compensation, not including a small animal hospital, clinic or pet shop. An adult dog is one that has reached the age of six months.
“Hobby kennel” means a noncommercial kennel at or adjoining a private residence where four or more adult dogs are bred and/or kept for hunting, training and exhibit for organized shows, field working and/or obedience trials or for enjoyment of the species.
Too Many Dogs
Last summer an article in the Olympian reported that Ms. Gold had about 85 dogs. Now I’m not a math major but I’d say that’s a lot more than the limit of 3.
Sources said Joint Animal Services for Thurston County convinced Ms. Gold to reduce that number by about 30 dogs.
But since then people that have been in the house said she still has dozens of dogs there.

This picture taken by The Olympia shows just a fraction of the 85 dogs that were at Sharon Gold’s residence. Photo from theolympian.com.
To have that many dogs, Ms. Gold must have a permit for operating a hobby kennel. The office that issues them said it didn’t issue any permits for residence.
She’s not even eligible to get a hobby kennel permit anyway. Furever Homes doesn’t meet the definition of a Hobby Kennel, and it’s not a 501c3 charitable organization.
Ms. Gold rents her house, but I don’t know if her landlord knows she’s running an unlicensed kennel with dozens of dogs in it.
The Thurston County Land use and Environmental compliance unit has contacted the property owner and is conducting an investigation. I will let you know when it makes a decision on how to handle the situation.
The post below is from today in a group called Lost or Found Pets Thurston and Surrounding Counties
Sharon Gold
3 hrs
4 people like this.
Nancy Wachter
Nancy Wachter Do you have a picture
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Sharon Gold
Sharon Gold I do not, just got him today…
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Mandy Wilson
Mandy Wilson It’s ok…this group is amazing. Try to google and post a similar picture if you can.
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Sharon Gold
Sharon Gold he is groomed, all white, he is about 10-12Lbs
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Nancy Wachter
Nancy Wachter Shared. Hope he’s found soon
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Gean Millette
Gean Millette Shared
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Sharon Gold
Sharon Gold Thank you.
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Elaine Warren Holl
Elaine Warren Holl shared
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Pam Oram-Lindemann
Pam Oram-Lindemann Shared in Tenino
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Judith Rakestraw
Judith Rakestraw Shared in Lacey.
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Sharon Gold
Sharon Gold Thank you
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Summer Lynne Garcia
Summer Lynne Garcia I’m so sorry. Post on CL and put in a lost report to animal services. If you can walk around the area with some smelly treats and squeaky toys, it might catch his attention and hopefully curiosity will get him and he’ll come out.
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Summer Lynne Garcia
Summer Lynne Garcia Is this the Furever homes rescue?
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Sharon Gold
Sharon Gold yes
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Summer Lynne Garcia
Summer Lynne Garcia Oh no! I’m so sorry. Where’s this little guy from? He’s probably super freaked out. Do you have a humane trap to set at all?
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Sharon Gold
Sharon Gold He is from here (Washington) but he is supper stressed
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Sharon Gold
Sharon Gold I was at animal control, posted him, drove around for the last 1 1 /2 hours….
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Frankie Jorgenson
Frankie Jorgenson Shared
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Joanie Kingsley Stein
Joanie Kingsley Stein Shared East Oly Area
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Marty Barrows Burns
Marty Barrows Burns Shared in Olympia. Hope you find your pup.
Like · Reply · 1 hr
What is this?
Just add you should do your research, I should check for spell check errors before clicking “post comment”. Let’s try this again.
You should really check your facts before writing articles. It will strengthen your argument. First, the USDA has no jurisdiction in the importation of dogs, except that all dogs coming from certain countries, including Mexico, must be examined and found to be free of screw worm before entering the US. The CDC requires dogs to be 4 months of age at import, as they must be at least three months to get a rabies vaccine and have it on board for one month before entering the US. Neither the CDC or the USDA require a health certificate for entry into the US (except from screw worm infected countries, where a certificate indicating the animal is free from screw works must accompany the animal, as mentioned above). The individual states are responsible for initiating their own requirements. Please do some research before writing articles…it will work out to your benefit, I assure you.
I don’t think you read the article very carefully. It contains the info about the CDC.
The USDA does oversee implementation of the Animal Welfare Act which regulates animal importation:
The Animal Welfare Act was signed into law in 1966. It is the only Federal law in the United States that regulates the treatment of animals in research, exhibition, transport, and by dealers. Other laws, policies, and guidelines may include additional species coverage or specifications for animal care and use, but all refer to the Animal Welfare Act as the minimum acceptable standard.
The Act is enforced by USDA, APHIS, Animal Care (link is external).
And the dogs to which I referred in the story? They did come from Mexico.
Finally, the USDA does require dog importers of all adult dogs entering the US to provide proof they have been vaccinated against rabies.
Man, you don’t understand every single fuckin thing you have back to say about Sharon is so very far from the real store! Sharon is the most self-less, honorable and generous person I’ve ever met in my entire life! Absolutely, pisses me off that people wanna talk about specifics but don’t bother to include any details regarding her value within the community! She has rescued abandon, abused and neglected dogs for YEARS w/Animal Control and has never turned her back on helping everyone in our community who’s asked! She doesn’t Rescue dogs to just sell them off! You ever consider how much money goes into keeping so many of those strays, lost or abandoned and/or rescued! She uses her own money in most cases taking care of those animals in our community who without Sharon’s help would just be euthanized! Consider what it is your really trying to accomplish by dragging her name through the dirt, tarnishing her reputation! There is alot to be said for an inhumane person such as yourself in just how you chose to write such faulty and foul articles about someone who is in fact a valuable asset in the community!