Comments on: Worst Dog Rescue in Washington Changes Name to Hide Its Past Tue, 26 Oct 2021 08:44:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: J. Chonclain Tue, 26 Oct 2021 08:44:49 +0000 In reply to Erika.

Did you report this to anyone? This testimony alone is enough to get authorities involved.

By: Erika Thu, 22 Jul 2021 17:02:10 +0000 This woman goes to a dog park near us and always brings at least 15 dogs with her. They are all aggressive and constantly attacking the nice dogs that are there. My dog has been attacked three times. I said something to her about needing to control her dogs and she got very aggressive with me cursing and getting in my face. My dog and others also developed kennel
Cough after being around her dogs. Some of the puppies are limping and one cries all the time when he walks. She is completely crazy and reading the comments make me sick. If I see her there now I leave or don’t go. She drives a nice grey Audi SUV and 15 dogs come out of that car. I told her I would call the police if her dogs attacked my dog or any dog there ever again. It disgusts me nothing can be done. These poor dogs need to be removed. There is so much online about her and she’s allowed to continue to do this? Horrible.

By: Sara Tran Tue, 22 Jun 2021 00:52:11 +0000 We just purchased two female lab puppies from Pawsitively feline, we found the listing through Petco adoption. The person we corresponded with went by another name but the person we sent money to is Sharon Gold. After reading this article I’ll be taking the pups to my vet, it has only been one night, she said she needed to come by within one week to do a home check and to continue giving the pups their shots.

By: Cindy Tue, 12 Nov 2019 11:04:44 +0000 In reply to Seattle DogSpot.

We all here do our part. And in doing so we make a difference. If those dogs were children sharon gold would be locked up. Until such time as the authorities understand they “ARE” our children we still have challenges. But the more we raise concerns and the more noise we make in olympia, the closer we get to our end goal. A voice for those pups that have none. I would be willing to band together to make ourselves heard. I’m willing to park myself on their doorsteps with “our children” and see how much press we get. If someone has done this already, let’s do it again. Effect change!

By: Seattle DogSpot Mon, 11 Nov 2019 21:21:31 +0000 In reply to Cindy Kartes.

Thanks for not giving up on those dogs.

By: Cindy Kartes Mon, 11 Nov 2019 07:19:10 +0000 In reply to Micah.

I beg to differ. She is not a dog flipper. She is worse. She is a dog killer. See my comment just posted in reply to another comment just today. I stand by everything I accused her of and can prove it. Cindy

By: Cindy Kartes Mon, 11 Nov 2019 07:09:00 +0000 In reply to Mark.

I hope you were able to do this. Aug of 2016 we got 2 dogs from Sharon Gold (Furever Homes). When I took to Banfield here in Renton the vet was appalled by the condition. Both of their ears were crusted over inside and he had never seen a dog in such poor health. SG had promised to get doxycycline for their kennel cough and had to get it from that vet you speak of in the tiny office with a little parking lot. I remember so well! The pills came from Mexico and after translating brand and dosage, my vet said it was 4 times the strength for dogs our size and had they taken it they would have been within days after the 1st/2nd dose. And the mange! OMG. I have never been so miserable. I felt dirty and my arms were bleeding from itching and it took so much time and money to get rid of it on them and us! What do you say to people when they ask? Uhhh I got mange. No, you have scabies. And Iris had a parasite that they had to research that was indicative to the area in Mexico. I love Stanley and Iris. They love us and despite that evil woman, they have a good home and have survived the torment of being snatched in Mexico and thrown in a van and mistreated, only to get here to their stop before their “forever” home, and it happens to be in the stinky, mange ridden, garage of Sharon Gold with feces and stench everywhere. I was in her home to set up paypal. She doesn’t live like that. But she lets them live in filth. I remember reading about the fire and she lost dogs. I wondered, after reading that, did she have the dogs insured? I wouldn’t doubt her doing something like that. Collecting insurance on the deaths of those poor animals.

By: Seattle DogSpot Fri, 27 Sep 2019 14:58:33 +0000 In reply to J.davis.

So true.

By: J.davis Fri, 27 Sep 2019 04:19:48 +0000 In reply to WA. Rescuer.

They let Michael Vick get a dog after he was “ barred “ from owning one.what he did was just as bad if not worse that what this person did. It makes me so sick that people like this just keep getting away with this kind of crap. We need to enforce our laws, make them stronger where needed, prosecuted to the fullest. Our animal friends deserve so much more.

By: CharlyTee Thu, 29 Aug 2019 21:50:23 +0000 In reply to Becky Johnson.

I know your pain on catching the Mange. Doctors said it was impossible for humans to catch it. Well I have the mental and physical scars to show. Mange is no joke
