Comments on: Dogs from PURRR Rescue Still Live Outside in Kennels Mon, 03 Feb 2020 14:42:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Angela Mon, 03 Feb 2020 14:42:53 +0000 In reply to Lorie Linley.

So you think the answer is to support the organization that is not doing what is in the best interest for the dogs? What, may I ask, would that accomplish? Besides using the funds to continue the same practices as they have been doing for years, maybe or maybe not using the funds for the care and rehabilitation of the dogs. How would you know, since their history shows that they are not really responsible and will place dangerous dogs just to be rid of them or for the money they generate? It makes no sense to support am organization that you do not believe in and think is using “non-profit” either as a cover or as a means to generate finds for the more affordable did, while the others are left to live in squalor and misery for the rest of their life, be that long it short.

By: Seattle DogSpot Wed, 27 Mar 2019 20:27:23 +0000 In reply to SB.

As I wrote in this post, I did try to engage Ms. VanDusen while writing this post:

Before writing this article I sent several questions to VanDusen regarding the dogs in Roy. I also wrote that “My main concern is how much exercise these dogs get and how long they’ve lived outside. I’m also concerned that you are bringing up pit bulls from CA given the problems you had a few years ago. And I recall you saying that you weren’t going to bring any more pit bulls to WA. If you want to answer these questions please do so asap. If not I’ll go on the information I have.”

The only response I received was from PURRR’s lawyer who told me to “cease contact” with her. If anyone at PURRR has evidence that contradicts what I’ve written they can send it to me at

So not only were my questions rebuffed, I also requested evidence that contradicts what I wrote. It’s been over a year and I’ve gotten no responses.

By: SB Wed, 27 Mar 2019 17:41:48 +0000 Rescues do the best they can, generally speaking. I think there are always pros and cons, likes and dislikes…but at least someone took the time to set up a place for dogs to safely be and give them a chance which most people won’t. It’s always more effective to engage courteously and give ideas to correct something than to criticize. Looks like they are trying, but maybe they can use some advice. Personally, I don’t see any big issues with the tents and covers, but they definitely should let them get more exercise.

By: leslie Peeples Fri, 15 Dec 2017 17:15:50 +0000 Okay, I’ll give you that it’s not perfect. Considering my dog sleep in my bed. I get what you’re saying. But I also know that these people are busting their ass to try to help, and just because they don’t get it right every time they shouldn’t be crucified. These dogs may not have anywhere else to go.

By: Seattle DogSpot Fri, 15 Dec 2017 15:25:00 +0000 In reply to leslie Peeples.

I noted in the article that VanDusen is doing what she can to keep the dogs fed, watered, and warm. But the dogs aren’t completely protected from the elements and the low temp in Roy this month averages 8 degrees. And according to the former volunteer they don’t get nearly enough exercise.

And despite the fact the she said she would stop taking pit bulls from CA, she’s starting taking them again. In the past PURRR adopted out dogs that killed pets and attacked people. You can see the police reports in the other articles I’ve written about PURRR.

Unless extensive temperament testing is done on these dogs to see which ones can be adopted and which ones have behavior issues that makes them unadoptable, the possibility exists that dogs with behavior problems could once again be adopted.

Keeping dogs in kennels out in the elements virtually 24/7 for YEARS with limited humane contact is inhumane, and now that she’s taking in more pit bulls from CA shelters means the number of dogs living outside in Roy could increase.

I have no idea if the dogs should be put down as I can’t go to the property to see them. And I’m not qualified to make that decision anyway.

One positive thing she could do is stop taking in unadaptable dogs and putting them in kennels for the rest of their lives.

By: Seattle DogSpot Fri, 15 Dec 2017 01:00:43 +0000 In reply to leslie Peeples.

No, it really doesn’t. As long as a dog has food, water, and shelter, animal control won’t do anything. Rescue groups are exempt from any regulations regarding the treatment of dogs. And WA’s animal abuse are notoriously weak. I could chain up a dog to a doghouse in my yard 24/7 and as long as the doghouse has straw and the dog has adequate food and water animal control won’t do a thing. So the fact that animal control doesn’t do anything doesn’t really mean much.

By: leslie Peeples Thu, 14 Dec 2017 20:55:42 +0000 Animal control has visited frequently and not found any problems, that should tell you something.

By: leslie Peeples Thu, 14 Dec 2017 20:44:04 +0000 I visited this place recently, I was suspicious, so I went to see, it’s not perfect, but the dogs are dry, it is clean and they have clean feed and water. They get walked every day. I was told which dogs would not be adoptable as they might have aggressive cat issues or other. So, she did not breed these dogs, she is cleaning up other peoples messes right? And out of curiosity do you think they should put down all these dogs? What do you actually want other than to cause drama. Is there a positive set of changes that you could work with her on to help the damn dogs?? Tell me, are you helping or hurting dogs?

By: Seattle DogSpot Thu, 14 Dec 2017 15:13:19 +0000 In reply to Fact checker.

As I said in my post, I sent PURRR several questions regarding the dogs in Roy, and they chose not to answer them. And as I understand it, the property in Roy is considered a sanctuary primarily for dogs that can’t be adopted due to behavior issues. Some of the dogs have been with PURRR for years, so I don’t think anyone is trying to get them ready for the “right home.”

I also stand by the information my source gave me.

By: Seattle DogSpot Thu, 14 Dec 2017 15:00:26 +0000 In reply to Lorie Linley.

I’ve given money to lots of rescues, but I don’t support the ones that I don’t think are operating properly and in the best interest of the dogs. And since rescues in WA are virtually unregulated I think it’s important to keep people informed about what they do.
