Comments on: Connection as a Springboard for Better Dog Behavior, Part II; Becoming Mindful with Purpose Mon, 10 Dec 2018 19:51:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sara Sat, 29 Jul 2017 23:08:14 +0000 Christine I’m amazed at your insight about our relationships with our dogs. I’m so glad I found you just browsing online for help with my two sisters from the same litter. They have very different personalities. How am I going to change the dynamics of what I created by getting two puppies at the same time? We can not enjoy anything as a family as they can’t figure out who is alpha between them. At first I thought I will manage this with the thought I am the boss and that is that. They will look to me for direction and protection. Protection yes. Food yes. That’s all! We can’t play together, sit together or sleep together as they will end up in a fight with each other. These little yorkie poos are able to eat together and that’s it. If I try to do anything with them together they usually fight! I can’t play or teach them anything and they are very smart little dogs! To smart for me! Not cool. I really think they need separate homes. I have tried taking one at a time with me occasionally as my elderly mom lives with me. Nope that made things worse. Now each are determined to not be left behind and follow me if they see any signs that I might be leaving. In fact they both must be where I’m at and follow me. If I want to read or nap on my bed Rosie guards the bed so Lily cannot get up the stairs they need to hop up on the bed on their own. The bedtime thing is problem every night. What should I do? If I separate them they would be lost. I love them both and am tired of the chaos. I don’t think I could give one up. Or choose! They are both special but different personalities! Help!
